LUD is a utility-type Windows software that lists one or more directories on your hard drives and other devices.
It is actually very easy to list a folder under Windows without software via a file BAT with the commands MS-DOS DIR or TREE. But here it is not very clear to reading and there are often accentuation problems when saving the list to a file. LUD has been designed to overcome this kind of boredom but also to simplify this task as much as possible with, in addition, many useful parameters.
Ready to use
Once in possession of the utility just: run it, then select the folder or folders to list, to finally click on & laquo; Generate the list & raquo; and that's it, your list is ready! Note that you can access more settings via the tabs & laquo; Exit & raquo; and & laquo; Advanced & raquo;.
By default, the generated file is in HTM cite> format and can be read via a web browser such as Edge, Chrome, Firefox etc .... But other formats like TXT, XLS, CSV etc. are also available.
If you do not want to waste time configuring the directory to list. Simply put the utility in the folder to list and generate the list from this location.
And for even less wasted time, namely that it is also possible to add the utility to the click right and memorize your settings.
The main features of LUD
- Available formats
- - Document WEB : HTM/HTML/JSON
- - Document text : TXT
- - Document media : M3U
- - Document Excel : DOC/DOCX
- - Document Excel : XLS/XLSX/CSV
- - Export : Access/Clipboard
- Possibility of
- - Filter extensions
- - Filter on files by regular expression
- - List one or more folders
- - List only folders or only files
- - Include/exclude hidden files and folders
- - Include/exclude the content of subdirectories with depth setting
- - Sort the list by name, type, size, creation/modification/access date
- - Add the app to the right click
- - Save/reset settings
- - Archive file in ZIP format
- - Debug mode enabled
- Possibility display the
- - Size of folders and files
- - Deleting Extensions
- - Number of items of every folder
- - Clickable links pointing to files
- - Creation/modification/access date of folders and files with customization
Windows XP/Vista/7/8.x/10 32/64 bit
Requires that .NET Framework 4.0 Client Profile is installed
Used by a large number of applications, so check if it is not already present.
To do the test, run LUD ... If it crashes, you need it ...
The utility has been compressed with 7-zip. You can unzip it with the same software which is free and available on the 7-zip or any other archiving software decompressing 7z format..
HTM/HTML output :
The generated file is independent from the application and can be read on any OS provided with a Web browser. It can also be printed without problems (do not forget to enable background images when printing).
XLS/XLSX output :
Requires Microsoft Office 2003 Minimum for XLS/DOC and Microsoft Office 2007 Minimum for XLSX/DOCX.
Export ACCESS :
Use LUD x86 or LUD x64 depending on the CPU architecture of your Microsoft Office installation. Otherwise you will have an error while exporting.
Comments, critics or ideas
Où peut-on trouver le lien pour le télécharger ?
Dans une prochaine version, serait-il possible d'avoir une option pour avoir les liens hypertextes avec chemin en relatif et non fixe?
Merci. Cordialement
ultra fast even on 1TB or +
i have more than 50 hard disks
and it works flawlees-ly!
simple clear fast
a must have indeed